Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gemstones & Essential Oils

Different gemstones can be used to help balance and regulate energy in the body. The type of gem that works with a certain chakra depends on the composition and vibration of the gemstones. Green and pink tourmaline are important gemstones to the heart chakra because they help connect us to our Higher Selves. Green aventurine helps us develop our creativity and relieve tension. Finally, rose quartz helps sooth any emotional stress or pain we might be experiencing, such as subduing grief. Below is a picture of green and pink tourmaline.

Essential Oils
In addition to gemstones, essential oils can help to balance the chakras. For Anahata, these include geranium, rose, and bergamot. This is a picture of some rose essential oil. Burning them helps to release the soothing effects.


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